Don't Go It Alone
Are we having fun yet?
The life of a Christian working woman can be chaotic, frustrating, confusing and terribly isolating. Or it can be joyful, exciting, and utterly fulfilling. For many, it falls somewhere in between.
The good news is this: God has equipped you perfectly for everything this life will throw at you, and you’re not meant to go it alone.
Just look to the biblical example of Ruth and Naomi. Two widowed women from completely different cultures, connected by faith and bound to support and lead each another in fulfillment of God’s plan.
When Naomi was crippled with bitterness and despair, Ruth stuck by her, even though Naomi tried to send her away. And when Ruth couldn’t see a way forward, she trusted in Naomi’s wisdom and guidance to get them both through. (See Ruth, Chapters 2-3).
I created 4word in the fall of 2009 to connect, support, and lead young professional Christian women, because I know personally just how vital those experiences can be. I continue to learn and grow daily through connection with other Christian women who get where I’m coming from. This blog is the place for me to share not only my story, but the stories of the many incredible and inspiring women God has blessed me to know.
I’m excited to share more with you as we journey forward together.