Friday Favorites
It’s Friday afternoon, which means it’s time for 4word’s Friday Favorites. This week, we’ve been talking about love, specifically about the differences in how men and women relate to one another. And boy do we have oodles of “love links” for you this week. First, we’ll re-cap what we talked about on the 4word blog.
Previously on 4word
On Monday, Diane disproved the notion that men are the uncomplicated gender while women are the emotional ones whose feelings are easily hurt. She said that “we tend to take typical male bravado as a sign of a big ego, but in reality, he might be feigning confidence in order to hide painful feelings of inadequacy.”
Then, on Wednesday, we interviewed Shaunti Feldhahn about her best-selling book For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men. For those who haven’t read it yet, For Women Only details Shaunti’s extensive research about what makes men tick. In our two part interview (one, two), she shared some of those results with us.
It’s Coming!
Next Tuesday, Work, Love, Pray will be shipping to all of you who have pre-ordered your copy. If you haven’t pre-ordered yet, you can still do so from Amazon, Zondervan or All proceeds will go to the 4word ministry. Also, in case you missed the announcement a couple weeks ago, we have made Chapter 1 available as a free download from our website.
Around the Blogosphere
Now for those “love links” we promised. We have a section on our support page dedicated to relationships, and this week, we’ve added a couple more resources to that list: Ally Spotts and The Good Women Project.
Here are some of this week’s highlights from the aforementioned resources:
- On Wednesday, Ally Spotts started a series called “Confessions of a 20-Something Christian.” So far, the series includes 20 posts on everything from prayer life to singleness to people pleasing. We recommend that you read all of them, but here are the ones that focus specifically on relationships: “I hate being a girl,” “I didn’t wait til marriage,” “I can’t follow all the rules…,” “I don’t like to commit,” “Intimacy 101: Courage,” and “I’m tired of going to weddings.” Do you have your own blog? Ally invites you to join the conversation and submit your own confession.
- Have you heard of The Good Women Project? Their mission is “to provide a place of trust, honesty, truth and encouragement for both single and married women as we wrestle through life together.” Each month, they blog on a different topic. In August, the topic was “From the Men: What They Want, Need & Love.” The last post in that series, “Love, Respect, And My Wife” is a great male perspective on what we’ve been talking about on the 4word blog this week. Also, Project Head Lauren Lankford co-authored a post this week entitled “A Good Woman’s Guide to the 21st Century.”
- Last but not least, if you haven’t visited Joy Eggerichs’ blog,, you really should. We love the authentic, conversational style of her posts and videos. This week, Joy posted a review of Shaunti Feldhahn’s The Male Factor: the Unwritten Rules, Misperceptions and Secret Beliefs of Men in the Workplace. (Funny coincidence, we’ll be talking to Shaunti about that same subject in a couple of weeks.) She also posted a hilarious, insightful video about “E-Harmony Hangups.”
Up Next
Next week’s theme is “pray.” We’ll hear from Diane about the fruit she is now seeing from a difficult time in her walk with God. Then, on Wednesday, we’ll be interviewing one of our 4word Portland girls, Ally Spotts, about what where she is now in her own walk with the Lord. So stay tuned, ladies, and have a wonderful weekend!