Friday Favorites
The weekend’s almost here, which means it’s time for another Friday Favorites post featuring our own weekly articles and some of our favorites from around the blogosphere.
This Week at 4word
We’ve been talking about work. We started off the week with Diane’s review of Susan DiMickele’s Chasing Superwoman. Diane wrote about what an encouragement it was to hear another woman writing honestly about her efforts to balance her faith, young family and a demanding career. Then on Wednesday, we spoke with Rachel Cruze, a speaker for Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (and Dave’s daughter!), about financial stewardship. Rachel explained why money is a horrible master to serve and gave us advice on how to master it.
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That’s right. We have a Facebook page, and we have big plans for it. If you haven’t become a fan already, we encourage you to do so and join YPCWs everywhere as we discuss the latest news, blog articles and anything else about our faith, families and careers. If you’re in Portland, you can also join our 4word Portland Facebook group to discover local events the 4word Portland girls have organized.
Around the Blogosphere
- “Lessons Learned from Steve Jobs” – In her blog article, now featured at >RELEVANT Magazine, Kristin Tennant explores the spiritual lessons she has derived from four of Jobs’ best-known quotes.
- “Networking Is a Contact Sport. Are You Doing It Right?” – Learn how extroverts and introverts can both become better networkers in this article from w2wlink.
- “Style Tips for Young, Professional Women” – If you’re having trouble transitioning from a college to a work wardrobe, then this is the article from w2wlink is for you.
- “God’s Big Idea about Finances” – Ron Blue, writing for Focus on the Family, discusses why financial independence isn’t the goal of financial freedom, but contentment is.
- “Women Ask, but Men Don’t Have To” – Women get fewer promotions and earn lower salaries than men because “women don’t ask.” Or so the saying goes. According to Catalyst’s research, this just isn’t true.
Up Next
Our theme next week will be “love.” On Monday, Diane will share a story about the surprising ways God uses us in our friends’ lives. For our Wednesday interview, we’ll hear from Ally Spotts about some of the new “rules” for dating in the 21st century.