Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, everyone! Who’s ready for Superbowl Sunday? Whether or not you plan to spend Sunday evening watching the big game with friends, we hope you enjoy your weekend. Before we get to the Friday Favorites, we have a couple of announcements for you.

We’re on Pinterest!
Follow us at, and we’ll follow you back. If you don’t have a Pinterest account yet but you want one, you can email, and we’ll send you an invitation to join the site. Visit our page to meet the 4word staff and see our favorites recipes, fashion and DIY crafts. More boards coming soon!

Video of the Week
By the time Friday rolls around, we could all use a good laugh. That’s why we’re adding one more feature to the Friday Favorites: video! And we’re totally going to crowd-source this one, so if you see something hilarious on YouTube, Vimeo, Hulu or any other site, drop us a comment on the blog, write on our Facebook wall or tweet us about it. We’ll take the best video (or possibly two. or three!) and post it here for everyone to enjoy.

To start things off (and because a sequel will debut on Sunday), we’re posting an oldie-but-goodie: “The Force” Volkswagon commercial from Superbowl 2011.


Around the Blogosphere

Up Next
Monday: Diane shares some ideas for how to make Valentine’s Day a meaningful time to celebrate those you love, regardless of whether you love or hate all the holiday hoopla.
Wednesday: We interview Dinah Nicholson about how she and her husband, Steve, juggled raising their four children, pursuing their own careers and staying happily married.