Rejection on Facebook, Timeless Beauty and How to Make the Magic Eraser Even More Magical
Happy Friday, ladies! We’ve got another dish of 4word’s best of the web right here waiting for you. Enjoy!
Take Notice
- DO: Style for less! A cute collection of DIY stuff from Roo Magazine.
- SEE: Working moms Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Mayer made Forbes’ list of most powerful women.
- READ: 10 tips and tricks every iPhone and iPad user should know, from the Wall Street Journal.
Video of the Week
All you moms out there will agree that Staples is onto something here.
Our Top Three
- “Three Leadership Traits That Never Go Out of Style” – A little lesson from the playground of your childhood.
- “Facebook Feud” – Sometimes, in the age of Facebook, it’s easy to let our posts get out of hand when someone rejects us. Here’s a friendly reminder from Joy Eggerichs on how to take the high road.
- “Timeless Beauty” – Society tends to discredit flawed people. Does that mean our imperfections damage the Gospel message when we present it?
A Pinterest Find
Dozens more uses for the Magic Eraser!