50 Shades, Praying from 9-5, 13 things, and ‘Like’ Us on Facebook
Goodbye November; Hello December! Take a look at our collection of favorites.
Take Notice
- READ: Good Workplace Boundaries in a Post-Petraeus World by our founder Diane Paddison in Her.meneutics.
- LIKE: Hope you don’t think we’re too “forward”, but 4word’s social media team would love to be “liked” on our 4word Facebook page. It’s all we want for Christmas!
- PONDER: Marissa Mayer on God, family and Yahoo via CNN Money.
- GIVE: An updated version of Work, Love, Pray has just been published! The updated version has “Key Takeaways” at the end of each chapter and a whole page devoted to 4word.
- WEAR: The Colorful Evolution of Newswomen’s Attire via Washington Post
Video of the Week
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a5pWMZxlIA[/youtube] Did you stand in line for a 99 cent store Black Friday? These people did.
Top Three
- “50 Shades of Gray-Black-Blue-Periwinkle” — Joy Eggerichs guest-ponders on UnveiledWife.com about a couple of books she hasn’t actually read. She asks, how does a fantasy romance read affect how we value our actual – or future – husbands? Don’t miss the vintage video wrapup.
- “Why Aren’t We Praying from 9 to 5?” — Taylor Barkley from The Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics writes about how we often forget to pray for our “9-5 job” with earnestness.
- “13 Things I’ve Learned in My Thirties” — No matter your age Jessica Bufkin from Single Roots gives good, timeless reminders and lessons in this list.
A Pinterest Find
A great DIY Christmas decor idea! Who doesn’t want Glitter Trees?