Finding Meaning in the Mundane; How Celebrity Apprentice Brought You The Bible.
Last week more than thirteen million people (me included) tuned in to the History channel to watch The Bible, a new mini-series that presents dramatic interpretations of several key biblical stories and passages. The Bible series was created and produced over the course of four years, with input from pastors and bible scholars. It has been endorsed by Rick Warren (author of “The Purpose-Driven Life”) and Focus on the Family, among others.
I’m sure that some people will argue about the accuracy of
The Bible’s script, or about the efficacy of its message. For me though, the important thing is that it has millions of people thinking and talking about scripture today.
The huge ratings numbers for The Bible’s premier have garnered a lot of additional attention for the show over the past several days. Much of that attention has focused on the show’s creators, Mark Burnett and his wife, actress Roma Downey. Burnett is famous for producing reality television shows like Survivor (yes, that Survivor), Celebrity Apprentice, and Shark Tank. Obviously these are not what most people would consider “Christian” shows. But God has used them here to help shape Burnett’s career and to position him to share the gospel with countless millions of people.
Last month I had the opportunity to hear Mark and Roma give their testimony at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D.C. During their talk I was struck by just how “real” and how humble they were. They work in a field where their day-to-day jobs don’t always feel or look spiritually significant, but they firmly believe that God has a plan for their lives and for everything they touch.
We all go through times when we wonder if or how God is using us. This is especially true, I think, for those of us who work in secular fields. As I was building my career in real estate, I always knew that my hard work honored God, and I knew I was building some meaningful personal relationships, but much of the practical work I was doing seemed quite disconnected from my faith.
Looking back now, I can see how God was painstakingly shaping my career, preparing my heart, and building the relationships and experiences that positioned me perfectly to serve professional Christian women through 4word.
Our perspectives are limited. We see something like Celebrity Apprentice and assume that it has nothing to do with God’s plan. But God is God everywhere. His plan is good, and it is vast.
Sometimes during those years as I built my career, it felt like I was stuck on the sidelines, waiting for God to put me to use. But God wasn’t ignoring me during those times, He was preparing me.
He’s preparing you too.
Have you ever wondered how God is using you? How have you seen God’s hand on your life?