Leaving a Legacy
In Chicago last month, Diane met Stephanie Kaihoi, who founded Legacy Living Ministries. Stephanie’s organization is committed to training the next generation to love the Lord and crave His Word. Through events – Mentoring With No Regrets and Finishing With No Regrets – they provide biblical and practical resources to the next generation.
4word: Tell us more about your ministry. What gave you the idea to found the organization?
Stephanie: Legacy Living Ministries came out of a sabbatical I had at 25 years old. I found myself at a turning point asking this heavy question: “Lord, what do you want me to do with the rest of my life and the passion you have given me for the next generation?”
As I spent the summer with the Lord, I sensed He was calling me to intimacy with Him first. Prior to the sabbatical, I’m not sure I knew how to incorporate intimacy into my relationship with Jesus. After two months of intensely focused time, I had experienced sweet revival and intimacy with Him. In the process, He answered my initial question with clarity and peace. I sensed Him saying, “Steph, I want you to teach the next generation how to love the Lord and crave my Word, just like you’ve been doing all summer.”
4word: What are the most common regrets young women express to you?
Stephanie: Two burdens women share are ones caused by others, or by choices they made themselves. Both cases lead to a struggle to find their true identity and value. For example, if their father abandoned them, or they are a perfectionist and sense they are never good enough – then often (without realizing) this translates to how they believe God views them.
I honestly believe that when women realize that God loves them, regardless of what they produce or don’t produce for Him, a new world opens to them. They are His. They are free.
4word: Why is mentoring so important?
Stephanie: There is something significant about hearing another woman’s journey and learning from someone who has gone before you: one who has struggled and accomplished, with similar pressures and joys as a female in this world. Most women today have a heart to mentor, but don’t feel equipped or empowered. We at Legacy Living Ministries want to change that. At each of our ministry events we provide biblical and practical training for women of all ages, teaching them how to get right with God and spiritually invest in the young women in their lives. God is fighting for the next generation, and He’s calling us to get on board (Matthew 28:18-20, Titus 2:3-5, Psalm 78:1-8).
4word: Who mentored you as a young woman?
Stephanie: I grew up in a single-parent home. However, it takes a village to raise a kid – and I was one needy kid. I didn’t need one mentor, I needed 15. The Lord brought countless godly, faithful women and men into my life. Due to their faithfulness, godliness, and commitment I am now at a place where I can give back. I can’t imagine where I would be if they hadn’t invested in my life.
4word: Are you mentoring anyone right now? What has been the most inspiring experience from your relationship with your mentee?
Stephanie: Following Jesus’ model, I have chosen to heavily invest into a few: Emily and Greta. They are in different grades at different schools, yet we have met weekly over the past two years to share life, God’s Word, and prayer.
It has been profound. I have been honored to cheer them on during their high school years. I am so proud of the decisions they are making to honor God, love Him deeply, and apply His Word to their life.
I love seeing how God is redeeming the next generation. He is raising up His kids – will we stop to notice their silent cries for help in this lonely and burdened world? Will we cheer them on? They are looking for us. Will we take the time to stop, rearrange our priorities, and invest in the next generation for Jesus Christ?
I will. Will you join me? To God be the glory.
To learn more about Legacy Living Ministries, go to www.FinishingWithNoRegrets.com. You can also contact Stephanie at FinishingWithNoRegrets@gmail.com.
What was your childhood like? Did you have other women or men mentoring you? What was the biggest impact they had on your life?