Grow your faith: words from the wise
Since we began our Wednesday Interview series, we’ve talked to dozens of amazing women of God, and we’ve been privileged to share their wisdom with you. Today, we’ve compiled a few of our favorite quotes – from women in all areas of the workforce – about what has helped them grow in their relationship with Christ.
Cathleen Falsani re: staying grounded and growing in your faith
As far as you are able, make good choices about the kind of people you’re surrounding yourself with. Do you have people speaking truth into your life, who are holding you accountable for being the hands, feet and voice of Jesus in this world? Are you in touch with people who are going to challenge and inspire you?
And not just physically in touch with. It can also be through the influence of a book, of music, of Facebook, of a phone call. That’s the kind of thing you do have control over. Young women today might find themselves on the road a lot or in a solitary work environment. You have to make choices to keep yourself plugged into those things that feed your spirit. If you can’t find a house of worship near you, then find one online and download the sermon. Make sure your soul is being fed. Make sure you are encountering things that, to quote Frederick Buechner, “bring a lump to your throat and a tear to your eye or give you goosebumps.”
Sheeba Philip re: perfection
The driving force behind many accomplished women is a spirit and pursuit of excellence. This spirit is what helps us achieve great things, but it can also be our biggest spiritual challenge! The need to do everything well, be at the top of our game in all things and have everyone admire us and think we are the best of the best is what has gotten us to our positions of influence, prestige, etc. However, it is not sustainable.
Our need to be perfect in all that we do can also be the thing that creates self-condemnation, a spirit of striving, not resting, and a lack of the joy and peace that we are called to in Christ. The reality is that our identify cannot be in the things we achieve – it must be in Christ.
It’s hard to let go of the world’s evaluation of who we are and fully embrace the peace, joy and affirmation that come simply from being a daughter of Christ – nothing more, nothing less. Christ doesn’t love me any more or less if I get straight As or excel at work every minute of every day. How much freedom could we experience if we actually loved ourselves that same way?
Emily Rudolph re: comparing ourselves to other women
I have to fight the urge to compare myself daily. I have to choose not to believe the lies that if only I had ___, then I would be ___. Believing lies robs me of the joy of following the Lord today. It’s essentially telling the Lord: “You don’t know best, so I’m going to take matters into my own hands.”
Sound familiar? It’s Eve in the garden. God desires us to trust Him alone with our lives, identity, everything. To really believe as if everything depended on it means knowing that God is good and that He loves you. It means training your minds and your hearts daily with intentional time in the Bible and walking with God.
Tracy Thomas re: working moms and guilt
I believe the word “guilt” could be replaced with “discontentment.” When I am discontent, I lack peace, so I ask myself, “What has stolen my peace and given me this sense of guilt?” I know God has added these blessings to my life, and when I begin to feel guilt or defeat, I call it out for what it is: discontentment challenging my peace.
I’m never going to be perfect. But knowing that God has given me these many things to manage, and that ultimately it is all His, gives me peace that I will do it right. But I have to look to Him. I have to start every single day in His Word, and talking to Him in prayer.
Diane Paddison re: waiting on God
If you’re feeling “stuck” by a time of waiting, remember that purposeful waiting starts with prayer. Next, consider what you can do to prepare so that you’re ready when the waiting is over. Maybe that means reading-up on relationships or expanding your professional skill set. Whatever it is, know God is at work in every part of your life, even (or maybe especially) in the waiting!
Do you have a favorite Bible verse or quote that has really helped your faith grow? Leave a comment and share it with us.