tips for finding rest

10 Tips for Finding Rest

tips for finding rest


Rest. Something that sounds great but is often elusive. As we discuss rest this month and how to embrace it, we wanted to give you our 10 Tips for Finding Rest. We’ll be sharing new tips with you throughout August, so check back each week!


Check out our weekly blogs on rest, too!



10 Tips for Finding Rest


  1. Pick one thing on today’s to-do list that can wait for tomorrow.
  2. Take a walk during your lunch (even if it’s only around the block).
  3. Buy yourself one indulgence. One cupcake never hurt anyone.
  4. Write down your favorite verse and put it in plain sight.
  5. Schedule “no tech time” at least once a day.
  6. Wake up a little earlier or go to bed a little later every once in a while and enjoy the stillness.
  7. Start a journal (Bible reading, personal, whatever you need to write down).
  8. Take up a new form of exercise and stick with it for one month.
  9. Pick one room or area of your home and get it organized.
  10. Find a time each day to just talk to God, no expectations.



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