Stop Glorifying Busyness
Kaila Jurado, CPA at KPMG and co-founder of BECOME Network, was living the fast-paced life of a young professional: she kept focused, checked off boxes, and was driven, but felt exhausted by the end of every day. She realized she left something vital off of her schedule: REST.
4word: How would you define “rest”?
Kaila: In God we find our rest. Matthew 11:28 encourages us with Jesus saying, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Go straight to God for rest. I believe rest occurs when we veer attention away from everyday stressors and meditate on the things of eternal value. Lately, for me, rest looks like tuning into a sermon podcast and going for a walk outside. I feel so rejuvenated!
4word: At what point did you realize you needed to prioritize rest in your life?
Kaila: The struggle to rest has been very real for me over the past couple of years. Exhaustion hit me hard and I am currently still recovering! God wanted my full attention and saw right through my busyness. I remember feeling like I was disappointing my innermost circle of loved ones; I was physically there, but I was rarely emotionally, mentally, or spiritually present. I was maxed out and I simply did not have the capacity to sustain that way of living. I longed to be available to my people. With that realization, the Lord has been refining my perspective and my calendar to prioritize rest. I love the journey and continue to explore ways to find rest!
4word: Why do you think so many of us struggle with resting?
Kaila: Rest is just plain difficult to implement. We typically set unrealistic expectations for ourselves. We wake up at the crack of dawn for spin class, make a Whole30 meal for the family, take care of everyone else, work into the late hours of the night and complete a million other tasks before we have taken a moment for ourselves. We glorify busyness as if it is a badge of honor to be perpetually exhausted. Let’s stop that! You have permission. Feel confident and empowered to set boundaries to protect your well-being.
4word: How has your commitment to rest fit in with your role in founding BECOME Network?
Kaila: God had placed leadership development on my heart but I had previously felt too distracted to act upon that calling. Through my journey for rest, God revealed this opportunity to engage others in leadership and glorify Him. He created the space for me to be available to help found BECOME Network. BECOME Network aims to influence culture by the way we love people and love our city; we thrive to become young adults who are selfless leaders in our cities. I now have a platform to encourage a widespread number of young adults through our in-city missions trips, arts workshop for creatives, and networking events with leaders in the community.
4word: What advice would you give to anyone knowing they need rest but unsure of where to start?
Kaila: Prayer is a great starting point: “Lord, you’re going to have to guide and direct me. I have so much to do, but I need to experience the sabbath.” Secondly, invite people who know you best on this journey with you. How wonderful would it be if our friends and family learned how to rest alongside us? Finally, block off time on your calendar for “sabbath.” Treat this as any other appointment that you absolutely cannot miss. This journey will be transformative and I’m so excited for you!
Where can you make room for “sabbath” this week? Learn from Kaila’s example and give yourself permission to not run yourself ragged!
Kaila Jurado loves a good belly laugh, is completely captivated by a good story, and dreams of being a certified adventurer. Kaila obtained her Masters in Accounting with honors from Baylor University (Sicem Bears!). When she isn’t analyzing companies’ financial statements as a CPA at KPMG, she is trying something new like a brunch spot, a book recommendation, or a fun exercise class. She is a co-founder of a faith-based non-profit, BECOME Network (www.becomenetwork.org), which exists to empower, equip, and connect young adults to be selfless leaders in their cities. What is next for her? More adventures, more opportunities to be a girl boss, and marrying a man who she adores with all her heart.
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