reason set goals

The Real Reason We Set Goals

reason set goals

“Why is it important to set goals?”

After taking a month to talk about dreams and goals, this may seem like a foolish question to end on, but bear with us. We shared lots of advice with you over the month of January, covering personal goal setting and how to set financial goals. We’ve also shared other articles with you through our Friday Faves blog, talking about goals and resolutions.

Our hope is that you have a firm foothold on your dreams and goals, and have spent the month letting your mind run wild with all the “what ifs” it could possibly conjure. This entire process should be exciting, and yes, a little scary! However, before you charge forward into the next month of the new year, you must ask yourself: WHY?

Think through any of the dreams or goals you set this month and ask yourself these questions about each one:

As you set down your pen and list of goals and prepare to face February, don’t take a single step forward with the mindset that you have everything figured out. Just because you have a list of words and actions meticulously laid out before you does not mean that you have “leveled up” in your 2018 game and will now sail through to the finish line high above all the slackers who didn’t set their goals. God himself says it simply – make goals, but go with His plan:

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” – James 4:13-15

God doesn’t want us to sit around and just wait for Him to make all the moves in our lives. He created us with desires and imaginations and the ability to dream for a reason! But He also doesn’t want us putting ourselves on a pedestal. It’s through our dreams and goals that we prepare for our lives to be transformed by God. When a child masters a new skill or grasps a concept and runs to their parents to proudly show off what they’ve accomplished, the parents celebrate the achievement and begin laying the groundwork for the next milestone for the child.

God loves to watch us succeed! When we succeed, it is a testament to His faithfulness and loving kindness in our lives. When you’re proactive and striving toward goals for your life, you are an active participant in the life God created especially for you. So why do you set goals? Not for personal gain, glory, or satisfaction, but to bring glory to your Maker.

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