The Top 10 4word Blogs of 2018

The Top 10 4word Blogs of 2018

The Top 10 4word Blogs of 2018



Every week, we love bringing you stories and blogs about topics and issues facing 4word everywhere. Before we say goodbye to 2018, we wanted to recognize the top 10 blogs you, our audience, loved! We can’t exactly play favorites (would you play favorites with your children?!), so we’re glad you made the decision for us.


Revisit the 10 most-loved blogs below and let us know if your favorite 2018 4word blog made the cut! Join us in 2019 as we share new stories, topics, and encouragement!


#1: I Never Wanted To Be Divorced

When it comes to relationships, women tend to throw more of their time, energy, and even money into the ring to keep things “just right.” Chances are, you are one of these women, and chances are, all of your efforts are going to waste. Catherine Gates, Director of Outreach and Engagement with Workmatters, shared her personal story of relationships, divorce, and recognizing which relationship she had to put first.



#2: Is This Why Relationships Fail?

If you had three seconds to state your most important relationship, what would you come up with? If you’re married, it would likely be your spouse. Single? Maybe your best friend, sibling, or even parent. No matter which life stage you’re in, “relationship” is an evident concept in your life. So why do they fail?




#3: Finding Joy After Losing a Child

When Anna Bauereis’ son Alexei was tragically killed in 2016, she and her family were plunged into a world of questions, doubting God and wondering where to go next. And yet today, Anna is full of joy and seeks to use her life to impact others. Read how she found her joy again and what you should do if you need to find yours, too.




#4: Your Purpose is Your “Why”

Purpose is tricky. Sometimes we may believe we are on the path God has laid before us… but a few miles later, we painfully come to realize we’ve been following our own GPS. Kristin Brown, Vice President of Communications for the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics, has gone through many “re-routing” periods in her life and shares what she’s learned through each bend in the road to finding her purpose. 




#5: The Relationship You’ve Been Waiting For

Do you want good solid relationships in your life? Society tends to condition us to place unrealistic expectations on our relationships, which sets everyone up for disappointment. Read the secret to finding that fulfilling relationship you’ve been waiting for.




#6: When It’s All Too Much

We are all struggling with something. We face greater struggles in different seasons, but every one of us will wade into a time of murky, sticky sorrow and trials. And when that time comes, we’re supposed to be filled with joy? Read how to find and cling to joy in even the darkest of times.





#7: How a Nike Executive Found Her Confidence at Work

Patty Ross, former Nike executive and 4word board member, had an amazing 34-year-long career with Nike that was gratifying and in line with her vision for her life… and yet, she struggled for years with lack of confidence and self-doubt in the value she brought to the table. Read how she reclaimed her confidence!





#8: God Doesn’t Want You to Be Perfect

Are you a daughter of Christ? Do you consider yourself to be devoted to His plan for you? Then stop trying to be perfect. Stop listening to the world’s shouts to “Do more! Say yes! Sign up!” Just like Eve listening to the lies of the serpent in the garden, we all stand at a crossroads of living the life that God wants for us, or living the life that the world says we should live to be happy.





#9: Purpose Doesn’t Equal Comfort

How do we find and feel confident in our purpose? Start with understanding why you’re here: to bring glory to God. Then ask Him to make clear what skills and tasks satisfy both the role of serving Him and the role of bringing you joy and pride in what you do. And don’t get too comfortable!





#10: What Are You Worth?

Self-worth has been and will continue to be an oft-discussed topic among women (and men!). And why not? We want to know what it is that we have to offer our communities, loved ones, and ourselves. Read the beginning of our discussion on knowing your worth to see where to start.




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