Pursing God's Plan During Your [Temporary] Pain of Change

Pursing God’s Plan During Your (Temporary) Pain of Change

Pursing God's Plan During Your [Temporary] Pain of Change



And just like that, we are through the first month of 2019. We’ve loved the conversations that have been started around managing transition and change. Each woman we talked with this month has brought a different angle to the conversation, but isn’t that life? All of us will go through change that is unique to us, but as a whole, talking about how we navigate that change brings universal coping mechanisms and “next steps” to the table.


Some of you may be going through a change like Camille K. Walker’s story. Her life has taken many twists and turns over the years, from career change to going through a divorce to launching her own business. Thanks to her constant check-ins with God and the support of her community and family, she is on the other side of her life’s transitions and is now using her story to help other women. Does your transition fall into this category? These shifts in life can have an especially bitter bite, but they often lead to some amazing stories of God’s love and faithfulness, which can then be turned into beacons of hope for women currently in the thick of a similar transition. So don’t think your current change is just a time of personal suffering. God may be preparing you to play an encouraging role in someone’s life.


Another type of transition some of you may be facing falls into the category of “new chapter,” like Julie England. We loved her story of following God’s leading and leaving a world she knew well to dive into one that was unknown yet satisfying to her heart. If you feel God nudging you toward a scary shift from your norm, don’t fight it! If He is giving you the yearning, He will also give you the strength and wisdom to explore it.


Patty Ross offered some hard-earned insight into following God through transition on this month’s episode of Work, Love, Pray. When she realized God wanted her to leave her long-time role at Nike, she knew that she was in for an interesting ride, but her willingness to align her heart to God’s sovereign plan gave her the momentum to step out in faith. Listen to her episode and gather amazing tips for getting through a transition or change in one piece!


“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” – Jeremiah 29:11


When you’re staring a transition or change in the growling face, remembering that this is something God wants you to do out of His love for you is not exactly at the forefront of your thoughts (we’re guessing). But dear child of God, know that His purpose in your temporary pain or wandering is to bring you closer in line to His plan for you. He wants you to live the life He wants for you, which is truly your best life. Who doesn’t want that? So take a deep breath, whisper one last prayer for strength and trust, and take that first step onto the new path stretching out before you. And get ready to mold a story more perfect than you could have ever written on your own.



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