What Do Highly Successful Women Have in Common? Mentorship!

What Do Highly Successful Women Have in Common? Mentorship!

Your weekly roundup :: April 29 – May 3

As you head into your weekend, here are a few articles from the past week we thought you might enjoy.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to sign up for the next 4word Mentor Program class!

We would love to have you join us for our summer session of the 4word Mentor Program! This 10-week program pairs each mentee with a hand-picked 4word mentor, a Christian woman who’s walked a path similar to yours and can help guide you down your own.

If you’ve been looking for some career guidance from a Christian perspective, sign up for the 4word Mentor Program by May 3!

Here’s The Only Confidence Boost You’ll Ever Need

Through this month’s discussion, we’ve seen just how far reaching imposter syndrome can be. Women deal with it, men deal with it, CEOs deal with it, and recent college graduates deal with it. We all want to excel and be seen as successful and contributing, yet something within ourselves constantly feeds us the lie that we are frauds and not able to be who we aspire to be. So how do we break this “not enough” cycle?

Did you know our Monday blogs are now available in Spanish? If you or someone you know is interested in receiving these blogs each week, click here

Listen to Episode 8 now!

All of us will have an “off” day here and there, but what do you do when those days turn into weeks or months? Dr. Deb Gorton, licensed clinical psychologist, shares her expertise on mental health and mental illness, and dives into how the church can better support those within their congregation who are dealing with mental illness. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone.

Our work, love, pray favorites

work career workplace


5 Successful Women Share Their Best Advice for Finding a Mentor

Glassdoor shares on Thrive Global five testimonials of highly successful who all have one “secret to success” in common: mentorship.

love relationships marriage


7 Success Factors for Working Mothers

May Busch shares her tips for mothers wanting to stick to their big career aspirations while giving their families the attention they deserve.

pray church God Bible hearing God


7 Real-Life Struggles That Jesus Can Identify With

Shane Pruitt with Relevant Magazine highlights real-life struggles we face that Jesus can relate to and offer comfort for.

listen podcast radio


Listen to the latest Mentoring Monday radio show!

Listen to the latest episode of Mentoring Monday, featuring Marlene Bizub!


4word: Local Group Events

Take a look at these upcoming 4word: Local Group event dates and see which one(s) you can attend. We’d love to see you there!

For details on these events, please visit our 4word Events page.

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