Embrace Your Boring Marriage

Embrace Your Boring Marriage

Your weekly roundup :: June 10 – 14

As you head into your weekend, here are a few articles from the past week we thought you might enjoy.

How Being an Intern Can Help You Live Intentionally

Building a solid foundation out of which your career can blossom is something we all would like to have but it’s not something all of us are either able to construct or able to maintain. A secure foundation provides a solid springboard for you to launch into each day with intentionality and a to-do list that will bring you life, not drain it from you.

At 4word, we are huge fans of internships to help professionals — brand new to experienced — center their focus on what they are being called to pursue. We asked three of our past interns to share with you about how being an intern helped them on their professional journey, and how going through the 4word Internship Program helped show them how they could live with intention.

Did you know our Monday blogs are now available in Spanish? If you or someone you know is interested in receiving these blogs each week, click here

Listen to Episode 9 now!

On a scale of one to ten, how much joy does your life currently bring you? Marie Kondo shook us all (in the best possible way) with her quest to help us simplify our homes and let them truly bring us peace and joy. But why let our houses have all the fun? Sandy Olsson, founder of The Master’s Program for Women and a 4word Mentor, joins the podcast to talk about how to simplify your life and give yourself the chance to live intentionally. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone.

Our work, love, pray favorites

women in the workplace, career advice, Christians in the workplace

How Women Can Advance In The Highly Automated Workplace Of The Future

Kim Elsesser with Forbes lists the many ways women in the workplace can hold the high ground against the incoming automation many industries are expecting in the next few years.

relationships, dating, singleness, Christian dating, Christian relationships, parenting

How to Find the Beauty in a ‘Boring’ Marriage

Kenneth Reid with Relevant Magazine discusses why married couples shouldn’t try to recapture the “lost” magic of their marriage.

Christianity, faith, spiritual walk, relationship with God

Four Tips for Making God-Pleasing Decisions Under Stress

Elizabeth Moyer with The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics shares her personal tips for combatting making anxious decisions that don’t honor God’s plan for our lives.

See Why the 4word Mentor Program Works

We are so proud of the many Christian women who have gone through the 4word Mentor Program and used their 10 weeks with a mentor to help discover the next step(s) in their professional, personal, and spiritual lives. Watch this beautiful video of stories of 4word Mentors and Mentees to see for yourself why a program like this is so needed.

Sign ups for the fall session of the 4word Mentor Program will begin on July 20, 2019!

4word: Local Group Events

Take a look at these upcoming 4word: Local Group event dates and see which one(s) you can attend. We’d love to see you there!

For details on these events, please visit our 4word Events page.