Care, Wash, Pray: Best Practices for COVID-19

4word community, we are grateful to come to you each week with content that is helpful as you navigate the successes and challenges of life. As we continue to stay apprised of the impact of COVID-19, we want you to know that we are praying for you as you navigate each day! We are grateful during this time to be an army of intercessors praying for the physical and spiritual wellbeing of our friends, our families, and for our world. If you have specific prayer requests, please send those to Irrayna as she consolidates prayer requests for our Boards and staff to pray over each week. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9.

Julie Bolton returns to the 4word blog with some helpful and timely tips for doing your part in limiting the spread of COVID-19 and, as a Christian, being a light in this difficult time.

What is social distancing?

Technically, it means keeping six feet from anyone with symptoms or who may have been in contact with someone who had the virus. Since we do not know who may have been exposed, we must keep six feet from all strangers, as you don’t know where they have been or how they are feeling. Social distancing might like a selfish act, but it is in fact about loving others enough to avoid potentially infecting them or becoming a carrier.

It is imperative you stay home if you are sick with any virus but especially COVID-19. For those who are single, this can be a challenge as you may need essentials. Can you call a friend, order online, or ask your church for assistance? If you must go out, this is the only time when a mask is essential to prevent you from infecting others.

Mobbing grocery stores will only increase the spread of the virus as you will not be able to maintain your distances and will increase the surfaces you touch. In addition, hoarding supplies like toilet paper or food is contrary to what we as Christians are called to do. Remember in the Bible the mana that was hoarded all spoiled?   

If you are sick or believe you are carrying the virus, STAY HOME and have friends bring food and essentials to your door.

Thoughts on Hand Washing

Hand washing is an imperative part of minimizing the spread of the virus. When should you clean your hands? 

You need to scrub your hands under running water for 20 seconds, which while not long, seems like an eternity, especially if you are singing “Happy Birthday” or “Row your boat” over and over. Sing “Jesus Loves Me” or pray for 20 people by name. Imagine the prayers you can lift up both of praise and needs!

Hand washing is not enough. Your cell phone has been everywhere your hands have been and more, so don’t forget to sanitize it!

Also—never touch your face unless you have just washed your hands. Use a Kleenex or your elbow when you sneeze. Sneezing into your hand is unwise, as it increases the chance of you spreading germs on the next surface you touch

Social Gathering

As a society, we have advanced so far that we are able to gather without being in close proximity. We need to think of others and abide by the guidelines the experts have set out for us. Think of the power in remote worship. You are now able to attend more than one service! Want to visit a loved one’s church across the country? Take this opportunity to reach out to them electronically, catch up with them, and ask them if they can forward the link to their services this Sunday.

God is greater and God is still control. Let’s leverage the power of social media and pray more broadly than we ever have before by sharing our church service links with others. Limiting personal gatherings is meant to ensure hospitals do not become overwhelmed. It will save lives just as sharing our faith virtually with a limitless audience can also save lives in another way.