RESOURCES from 4word
How Boundaries Are Self-Care
“Setting boundaries is a way of caring for myself. It doesn't make me mean, selfish, or uncaring because I don't do things your way. I care about me too.” - Christine Morgan We hope that as you arrive at the end of this month and… Read More
Boundaries Should Protect, Not Hinder
Do you remember, when you were a child, wishing or saying that you couldn’t wait to grow up so you could do whatever you wanted? Children usually utter that statement when a rule is being enforced or they are being subjected to a food or… Read More
The Most Important Boundary You’ll Ever Set
Despite what you may think, you actually love boundaries. Don’t believe us? Natalie Jones, founder and president of Parent Compass, takes us through Scripture to see what God has to say about boundaries and how He has lovingly placed them in our lives. ------… Read More
Is Work-Life Balance a Myth?
"Work-life balance" seems like it should be the unofficial mascot of women in the workplace. Right? It's easily one of the top 3 issues women (and men — let's not leave them out of this!) bring to the table when discussing hurdles holding us back… Read More
I Had NO Idea
They say that you don’t understand what it’s like to be a parent until you actually become a parent. I wholeheartedly agree. Before I had children, I had NO idea what it was like to be a mother, especially a working mother. When I had children and joined… Read More
Finding Balance
Several weeks ago, we posted a set of mini interviews with some of our board members about what “having it all” means to them. Today, we’re following up with 4word CMO, Betsy Gray, on how she has learned to set boundaries and maintain balance between work, love and… Read More
Love In a Time of Deadlines.
What happens to relationships when work must take center stage? When you’re juggling work, relationships, and faith, balance is always the goal, but there will be times when one area of your life has to take precedence for a time. When a major work deadline requires investment of… Read More