RESOURCES from 4word
Freedom: Still Searching?
Continue to consider your freedom - in Christ, in your life, and in your career - and read some of our past articles and interviews focused on embracing your freedom and following the path God wants for your life. We hope these words touch your life and impact… Read More
Your Career Path Isn’t Set In Stone
Over the years I’ve seen many smart and talented women (and men for that matter) “burn out” of their professional careers. They leave their jobs not because they feel called to something else, but because they are tired and fed up. A job that once seemed exciting has… Read More
Connections are Key
When Megan Weinkauf, Recruiting Manager with AcctKnowledge, decided it was time to transition from her already-established accounting career path to something new, she was faced with a situation many professionals find themselves struggling to come to terms with: where do I even begin? Find out how she forged… Read More
Find Your Sweet Spot
You find yourself getting to the end of your day, with barely enough energy to crawl into bed. You logged time at the office, played chauffeur all around town after school, and managed to pull together something remotely nutritious for dinner. Yet you find yourself dreaming about doing… Read More
Choose Contentment
I could never do that….it’s too hard! I’m not smart enough. How many times a day do we entertain thoughts like these? When we encounter adversity, negative thoughts seem to be the first ones that fill our minds. Diane recently spoke about her daughter Annie's health battle and… Read More
Life’s A Roller Coaster. Enjoy The Ride.
Life can oftentimes feel like a roller coaster. Right when everything seems to be going against you, situations turn and you find yourself shooting up out of a valley to a mountain top. The key to not getting motion-sickness from life’s ups and downs is to always be… Read More
Where’s My Roadmap?
Do you remember the moment you decided what you would do with your life? Was it a moment of clarity or a moment of desperation? Julie Champion discovered her passion for mentoring high school and college students when she was a freshman in college and has since devoted… Read More
Celebrating You :: International Women's Day
Happy International Women’s Day! Never heard of it? International Women’s Day is a special day set aside to celebrate the accomplishments of women, while identifying areas of needed improvement in opportunity and equality. Here’s what the United Nations has to say about this special day. To celebrate, we… Read More
Overcoming Adversity
I could never do that….it’s too hard! I’m not smart enough. How many times a day do we entertain thoughts like these? When we encounter adversity, negative thoughts seem to be the first ones that fill our minds. On Monday, Diane highlighted the success Janet Yellen has found… Read More
When Life Takes a Different Turn
In honor of Veterans Day last Sunday, we’re featuring an interview with one of our own veterans, Jordan Johnson, who is a member of the 4word Dallas group. Jordan served in Kuwait and Iraq as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Military Police, the only branch in the military… Read More