RESOURCES from 4word
Choose Contentment
I could never do that….it’s too hard! I’m not smart enough. How many times a day do we entertain thoughts like these? When we encounter adversity, negative thoughts seem to be the first ones that fill our minds. Diane recently spoke about her daughter Annie's health battle and… Read More
Women in Leadership: The Three Greatest Obstacles and How to Overcome Them
Women as leaders in the workplace- it’s one of our favorite topics at 4word! We believe in you, and the unique talents that God has gifted you with. You can absolutely impact the kingdom through your chosen profession! This week we spoke with Marsha Clark, of Marsha Clark… Read More
Overcoming Adversity
I could never do that….it’s too hard! I’m not smart enough. How many times a day do we entertain thoughts like these? When we encounter adversity, negative thoughts seem to be the first ones that fill our minds. On Monday, Diane highlighted the success Janet Yellen has found… Read More