RESOURCES from 4word
Use Technology to Get Organized
Organization. Deadline. Timeline. Did any or all of those words just send a shiver down your spine? As a professional, those words should be part of our everyday vocabulary, and yet, they are usually curse words mocking us everywhere we turn. Today's work environment is rife with distractions,… Read More
Diapers and Deadlines: Working from Home
The moment I saw the word "Pregnant" on my Clearblue test, I could almost hear my brain click over into a new gear. This baby wasn't a surprise. My husband and I had just started trying that month, so we knew there was a chance our journey into… Read More
Making a Difference With Monkeys
Some of the most well known and successful companies and organizations started because one person was brave enough to take their dream and make it into a tangible reality. We spoke with Nubia Echevarria, founder of The Monkey Project, to learn how she hopes these cute critters will… Read More
A Well-Designed Day: Living with Intention
Ever wanted to lead a more organized life that left you feeling more accomplished, too? Entrepreneur Whitney English shares her advice for doing just that! ------ 4word: Share with us how you started your company. Why did you want to start it? Whitney: The idea for Day Designer came… Read More
Stacks & Stacks of Stuff
What if Jesus returns and sees my house like this? I admit it. I’m a stacker. I’m a stuffer. There are towers of Rubbermaid plastic bins in my garage, my attic, and even a few in other spots. My desk has stacks of papers. And my drawers? Let’s… Read More
12 Steps to Get Organized, What Giving Respect Really Means and Dancing Baby Twins
Friday is once again upon us! Start your weekend off with our favorite articles, news and video of the week. Take Notice READ: An Atlanta Work, Love, Pray booksigning with Diane Paddison gathered 4word friends at Bonnie Wurzbacher’s home. Here’s what guests had to say: “God is really… Read More