RESOURCES from 4word

4word Blog

Create a Lasting Impression

4word mentor and highly-successful business woman Bernice J. Washington shares why first impressions are vital to your professional success, and what she believes it takes to achieve your career goals. ------ 4word: To start, tell our readers a little about yourself. Bernice: I grow up on… Read More

Stacks & Stacks of Stuff

What if Jesus returns and sees my house like this? I admit it. I’m a stacker. I’m a stuffer. There are towers of Rubbermaid plastic bins in my garage, my attic, and even a few in other spots. My desk has stacks of papers. And my drawers? Let’s… Read More

Back Row Singles

I didn’t get married until I was 36, so I’ve had a lot of experience as a single, professional woman in the church. When I was single, I was in and out of multiple churches where no one even talked to me. I always felt like people looked… Read More

The Church's Muddled Approach to Singles

Single working women in the church face pressures, anxieties, and possibilities that are endless. They have important stories to share with the church about God’s grace in the midst of conflicting and disempowering messages about stereotypical measurements of women's success: beauty, youthfulness, marital status, and bearing children. Today we… Read More

Uncover Art in All You Do

When you think of art, what comes to mind? Paintings and sculptures? Music? Author Emily Freeman is challenging you to look beyond that. In her book A Million Little Ways, Emily presents readers with the idea that their life is art. We had some questions about this, which… Read More

One Woman’s Tale of “Having it All”

We are thrilled to introduce you to May Oh. Now the owner of her own law firm in Singapore, May formerly held the position of the first woman director of Mobile Oil. We couldn’t wait to hear how she has managed to balance her vibrant faith, with her… Read More

Bridging the Generation Gap:: Embracing Mentorship

Generation X. Baby boomers. The Greatest Generation. Millennials. The differences between our generations are subtle, yet simultaneously profound. With each new cultural shift, comes new perspectives of life, work, and faith, and one 4word woman wants to tap into those differences. Joy Eggerichs has spent several years developing… Read More

Celebrating You :: International Women's Day

Happy International Women’s Day! Never heard of it? International Women’s Day is a special day set aside to celebrate the accomplishments of women, while identifying areas of needed improvement in opportunity and equality. Here’s what the United Nations has to say about this special day. To celebrate, we… Read More