RESOURCES from 4word

4word Blog

Use Technology to Get Organized

Organization.  Deadline.  Timeline.  Did any or all of those words just send a shiver down your spine? As a professional, those words should be part of our everyday vocabulary, and yet, they are usually curse words mocking us everywhere we turn. Today's work environment is rife with distractions,… Read More

Can You Be Facebook Friends at Work?

Hello everyone.  My name is Amanda. I work for 4word’s digital media team, and I’m here to inform you that we’re interrupting our regularly scheduled programming this week to feature an interview with our interviewer. If that’s confusing, I’ll explain further. We’ve been talking about social media for… Read More

Learning to Work with New Technology

On Monday, Diane blogged about the need for more “seasoned” businesswomen to learn how to adopt new technologies for business purposes. Today, we’re introducing you to a woman who fills that need for her fellow staff members at Campus Crusade for Christ: Sus Schmitt. Sus serves as a Technology… Read More

Mentoring Can Be a Two-Way Street

Can you believe how quickly our technology gets labeled obsolete? I just replaced the Blackberry I got in 2010 when I joined Cassidy Turley with a new one last week. To me, a three-year hold was no big deal, but everyone else thought I was crazy not to… Read More