RESOURCES from 4word

4word Blog

5 Ways To Rock Your (New) Job

There’s something distinctly uncomfortable about starting a new job, isn’t there? There are new people, new office dynamics, new routines and expectations, and of course, a new job to do. There’s a lot to figure out and a lot of ways that things could go wrong. It can… Read More

The “Bad” Little Word You Need To Say More

No. There, I said it! It feels good to practice; maybe you should give it a try. Repeat after me: “No, I cannot attend this event.” “No, I cannot serve as room mom for little Johnny’s class.” “No, I cannot take on a new project.” “No, I cannot… Read More

What’s Missing From "What Works For Women at Work"

This week I read about a new book for professional women. It’s called, “What Works For Women at Work,” and it promises to provide women an “essential toolkit” for getting ahead at work. The authors, a mother-daughter team, interviewed 127 highly successful professional women, and compiled huge amounts… Read More

4word’s 2013 Gifts that Give Back Guide

On Friday, we introduced our Gifts that Give Back Guide. Today, we want to give you a closer look at some of our featured products. It's our prayer that as you learn the stories behind the company and the products, you will be moved to support their cause.… Read More

Secretary to Senior Vice President in 20 Years

Meet Jeanette Flory, a portfolio manager at Bentall Kennedy in charge of $7.2 billion in assets. She’s had an amazing career trajectory: twenty years ago, she had just started in real estate as an administrative assistant. -------------------- 4word: Tell us about the span of your career, and what… Read More

Facing our Challenges as Working Women

Karen Howells has worked as a leadership development consultant for 25 years and executive coach for more than 15 years. In that time, she’s learned a lot about the struggles particular to working women, and she shares some of these with us today. --------------------   4word: What… Read More

Changing the Workplace with Faith Powered Profession

We are very excited to introduce you to Elizabeth Knox, author of Faith Powered Profession. Her new book, releasing September 1, is the sequel to Work, Love, Pray. Elizabeth shared with us her passion for professional women and changing the workplace environment. -------------------- 4word: What was the inspiration… Read More

Facing Sexual Harassment at Work

Though professional women still have many obstacles in our way, we do have it easier now than the previous generation did. That is particularly true for women who worked in industries like oil and gas that were traditionally (and still predominantly are) the domain of men. For Tina… Read More

Making Space in the Church for Working Women

So often, we hear working women around the country lament that they cannot find a niche in their churches. Many of us here at 4word have felt the same, but we are glad to watch this trend changing. This week’s interview features a woman who is helping facilitate… Read More

Support for Working Women Starts With You

Are you supporting other women at work? We can all do more to help support each other.  And we SHOULD do more!  First, because it’s the right thing to do; and second, because women need sponsorship and support in the workplace.  A growing body of research shows that… Read More

Equipping Women Leaders

She led a corporate career at companies like Booz and Exxon. She even taught in Beth Moore’s Sunday School class. Now, Anita Carman is the Founder and President of Inspire Women, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization that inspires women across ethnicities, denominations, and economic levels to connect their lives… Read More

Becoming a Self-Assured, Assertive Business Woman

 On Monday, Diane blogged about setting career goals for the new year. One professional strength that most career women need to work on is being self-assured and assertive. So this week, we’re featuring an interview with Charlotte Jones Anderson, Executive Vice President of the Dallas Cowboys Football Club,… Read More

Is This “The End of Men?” I Hope Not!

You hear a lot these days about how women can’t “get ahead,” but what if, amidst all the hand wringing, women are quietly doing just that? In her new book, “The End of Men,” (and in this article of the same name), journalist Hanna Rosin argues that… Read More

Watching the world change, part 2

Yesterday, we posted part one of our follow-up interview with Laura Rodriguez' mom, Judy. As promised, here's part two. -------------------- 4word: Laura also mentioned that in Houston "there was a significant judgment on women who didn't stay home." Can you tell us more about that? How did you… Read More

Watching the world change, Part 1

We’re following up last week’s interview of Laura Rodriguez by interviewing her mom, Judy Kauer, who has led a 30-year career in the business world. In the picture to the left, you see Judy (right), her mother Helen (center) and Laura – three generations of inspiring women! --------------------… Read More

Has the world changed for working women?

Ladies, meet Laura Rodriguez, a fellow 4word woman and reader of Work, Love, Pray. Laura is a recent graduate of the Yale School of Management, and she now works at Barclays’ Investment Banking Division, covering the Commercial Real Estate sector. As you’ll read below, Laura notes similarities between… Read More