Episode 13: What Could Happen When We Unleash Women
As we continue on this year’s journey toward being unstoppable, we wanted to dedicate this month to talking about a big part of increasing the impact of your unstoppable-ness…and that is launching a movement. This movement doesn’t have to be anything huge. It just has to be something that helps you make a difference in the world and in your sphere of influence. So what do you wish you could see change or shift in your life? What do you feel like God has called you to speak up about or be a positive force for?
This month’s Work, Love, Pray guest is Keri Ladouceur. Keri is a speaker, coach, and pastor. Through her decades of experience in the corporate world and now in ministry, she has come to deeply recognize and resonate with the need for more women-led movements in this world. If “being the change” is something that has been on your heart lately, then this month’s episodes are 100% for you.
Guest Bio:
Keri Ladouceur is a pastor, teacher, incessantly curious question asker, and bridge building peacemaker. She believes the fullness of the gospel is liberative good news for all of creation and longs to cultivate new faith spaces of mutuality and flourishing for all people.
She is founder of New Ground Network, where she co-conspires with pastors, denominations, and organizational leaders to clarify and align around their purpose. One of her favorites roles is organizational coach where she is part dreamer, instigator, activator and team counselor. She has an MA in New Testament from Northern Seminary, and her imagination for the Beloved Community has been primarily shaped by her native heritage and liberation thinkers and theologians.
She dreams of the Church being a life-giving community of flourishing that activates the people of God to join Christ in the redemption and restoration of all things.