Episode 16: Time Management in the ‘New Workplace’

How often do you find yourself wishing for just a few more hours in your day? It’s OK to wish for that when you’re on vacation (no one ever wants that to end!), but your everyday life shouldn’t routinely leave you wishing for longer days. In today’s COVID-19 workplace, time management is even more crucial than it was before, since you may be working outside the structure of an office but still needing to meet all the same deadlines and expectations.

Kristen Montigny, an executive and life coach (and also a 4word Member Insider coach!), shares her professional tips for reimagining what time management looks like in today’s workplace culture.

Guest Bio:

Kristen Montigny is an ICF certified life and executive coach. She specializes in helping women develop their leadership potential and live with passion and purpose. She particularly loves partnering with Christian women who are seeking to effectively navigate and positively influence the relationships, organizations and environments they serve in. Her coaching has been deeply informed by 20+ years professional experience in adult learning and development, and in evidence based coaching practices, as well as through her own discipleship journey. Today, Kristen takes an entirely customizable, portfolio approach to personal development, where her clients can choose a combination of coaching, assessments, retreats and other self discovery tools that support self leadership, well-being and the achievement of goals, in a rapidly changing and challenging world.