Don't Miss 'Em: Our Top 5 Interviews

Welcome to Wednesday, ladies. Did you know that last week we posted our 50th interview? To celebrate, we’re mixing things up a bit today and posting a list of our five favorite interviews from the past eleven months.

Of course, we think all of the women we’ve interviewed are rock stars with great stories and advice to share, but these are five you really don’t want to miss.

  1. Lisa Anderson on how not to sabotage your path to marriage.
  2. Bonnie Wurzbacher on God’s purposes for women in business and in leadership.
  3. Esther Fleece on Millennials’ faith journeys and where this generation fits into the church.
  4. Joy Eggerichs on singleness, relationships and marriage for the 21st century woman.
  5. Carolyn Custis James on God’s vision for women in the church, the workplace and the world.

Those are our top five. What about you? What was your favorite out of all our interviews? And is there another woman you’d love to see us feature here on the blog? Let us know in the comments!