4word Mentor Match, Pray for OK, Study the Bible, Meeting Tip, Heartbroken and Angry
Don’t forget to take some time to remember and honor all the brave men and women who have died for our nation and freedoms. God Bless America and our soldiers!
Take Notice
- PRAY: for Oklahoma
- GIVE: The Salvation Army is raising support for the Oklahoma Relief Efforts. Text the word “STORM” to 80888 to make a $10 donation through your mobile phone; respond with the word “Yes” to confirm your gift.
APPLY: Looking for a mentor? For women following God’s calling to a professional career, finding mentors who share their faith and gender can be “mission impossible.” 4word can help! Apply for the 4word mentor match program here. Hurry, applications are due June 7th.
- LISTEN: Joy Eggerichs from Love and Respect Now talks love and lessons on Blog Talk Radio.
- READ: 10 Things Really Amazing Bosses Do— Inc. asks are you an amazing boss or simply a good boss? See how many of these 10 traits come naturally to you.
Video of the Week
Touching OK tornado reunion video caught live on the air. Get your tissue ready.
Top Three
- “Are You Making This Mistake at the End of Your Meetings” —Do you end your meetings with decisions or commitments? LinkedIn author Fred Kofman says “Decisions are worthless … unless you turn them into commitments.”
- “Ask Joy: Heartbroken and Angry” —Most of us can relate to this woman’s question because we have been there at some point in our lives. Joy Eggerichs handles this difficult topic with simple truths.
- “9 Tips for Studying the Bible” —We all know we should spend more time reading God’s Word, but what’s the best way to study the Bible? This article will help.
A Pinterest Find
What is faster than scrapbooks, better than pictures stuck on your computer, and looks good in plain sight? Try making Memory Boxes for trips this summer.