Enjoyment: The Ultimate Source
Over the past three weeks, we’ve written about enjoyment: what brings you joy, how to live in the moment, and wondering if enjoyment is “easier said than done.”
Were you able to make time for joy this month, to take in the words written on the 4word blogs and turn them into action? Or are you reaching the end of these four weeks of discussion about joy with your enjoyment tank still hovering around empty?
Filled with joy or drained of it, please understand this: finding joy in your life is not a destination; it is a lifelong journey on which you must be diligent and open.
Joy will not always be sitting in front of you waving. Sometimes, you must choose it and seek it out. Joy may come to you in the form of meeting a friend for coffee. Joy may come to you in the form of a tearful reconciliation with a loved one.
“For the Scriptures say, ‘If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.'” – 1 Peter 3:10-11 (NLT)
Do you want more joy in your life? According to this passage, you can enjoy life and find yourself basking in many happy days by letting go of the negative and turning away from the evil threatening to smother any flicker of enjoyment in your soul. Go out into your day with the goal of being a beacon for peace. Don’t let the worldwide maelstrom of despair and endless taunts of “not good enough” claim you as a victim. As God’s child, you have access to supernatural peace and joy. You just have to choose to focus on Him and rise above.
As we end our month on enjoyment and look to next month’s topic, we want to leave you with some reflections on finding joy. We pray that you continue, beyond the month of June, to seek your source of joy. Our hope is that we’ve been able to open you up to the potential beauty and refreshment of infusing your life with enjoyment. If you have a story about finding enjoyment, we’d love to hear it! Email your written story or short video of your story to Jordan at jjohnstone@4wordwomen.org.
Reflections on enjoyment
- What is one thing you’ve chosen to replace with joy in the past few weeks? What is keeping your life so full that you feel you don’t have room for joy?
- Are you able to seek and embrace enjoyment without giving in to guilt?
- Can you think of one time this month when you’ve “lived in the moment?”
- Is God a priority in your life? Are you drawing close to Him and finding more moments of joy coming your way?
Lord, we know Your plan for us involves moments of joy and happiness, yet we feel at times like we will never find those reprieves. Help us to stay connected to You, even when life moves a mile a minute. Touch our lives with opportunities to see the beauty that is our life and to appreciate the ability to enjoy. We want to be happy, Lord, and enjoy our time on this earth. We know that through You, enjoyment will become a natural occurrence and we will find ourselves more invigorated to conquer each day. Thank you for being the ultimate Source of joy in this world!
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