stop bailing

Stop Bailing

stop bailing



Your weekly roundup :: September 4 – 8

As you head into your weekend, here are a few articles from the past week we thought you might enjoy.


know your purpose

This week’s blog: “Do You Know Your Purpose?”

Have you ever wondered if you have a purpose? Or just what that purpose is? This month, we’re talking all about purpose and how you can discover the purposes God has given you. Here are a few questions to ask as you start seeking your own unique purpose this month.



Our work, love, pray favorites


women in the workplace



Overcoming the Grass is Greener Syndrome

May Busch offers her advice for steering clear of comparison and learning to embrace your exploratory role in life.





love relationships marriage



Thou Shalt Not Bail

Jen Pollock Michel writes on Christianity Today and discusses the rise in “bailing” and whether or not this byproduct of busyness is Christian.




God prayer faith Christianity



Three Reasons to Work: A Labor Day Reflection

Jim Denison lists three drives behind why we all work, and shares the most important drive we should all keep in mind.







Listen to our latest “Mentoring Monday” show

Our latest “Mentoring Monday” radio show featured Kristi Tomlinson.





4word: Local Group Events

Take a look at these upcoming 4word: Local Group event dates and see which one(s) you can attend. We’d love to see you there!

For details on these events, please visit our 4word Events page.




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