Stop Trying To Dictate Your Life
Have you “enjoyed” this month’s topic of priorities? (We used the quotation marks on purpose!) No one is immune to struggling with how to prioritize their lives. Stay-at-home moms struggle, C-Suite women struggle, entrepreneurs struggle — you get the idea. Because priorities are such a broad epidemic, we wanted to make sure we gave them some spotlight.
We loved Rachel Nelson’s advice for women who are struggling to juggle. Have you been able to identify places in your life where you could outsource? If you just can’t seem to let go, think of outsourcing this way: you letting go of a task or role in your life might be the gateway to allowing someone to come into their life’s purpose. Isn’t it amazing how God works?
Diane got real with the difference between being a driven worker and a balanced worker. While a good work ethic is appealing to managers and will help you advance in your career, driving yourself to the point of exhaustion and seclusion will not help you become successful in the long run.
Figuring out your life’s priorities is really a giant ego check, isn’t it? We all think we know what needs precedence in our lives. We know what makes us feel accomplished and contributing, so that’s what we divide up days up into. But the truth is, we may be living unwisely, even with pure intentions.
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” – Ephesians 5:15-17
Is how you spend your day living up to your will for your life or God’s? It’s can be so difficult to tell the difference! Maybe you sign up for every church activity or take time out of your weekends to volunteer with local organizations. Again, pure intentions, but are you absolutely sure the time you’re dedicating is going to where God wants it?
If you’ve aligned your priorities to God’s will for your life, your days will end with you feeling a grateful pride. Grateful that God has chosen to use you and ordain your steps, and proud that you were faithful to His calling. We all have a carefully crafted planner for our lives, written by the Author of everything. Stop trying to dictate your steps each day and instead surrender to the path created for you by your loving Father. It might not be a comfortable switch and you may struggle with doubt and a desire to fall back to your old way of prioritizing. But we promise that letting go of the reins of your priorities and handing them back to God is a move you will never regret.
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