is porn a woman's problem too

Is Porn a Woman’s Problem Too?

is porn a woman's problem too





Your weekly roundup :: October 15 – 19

As you head into your weekend, here are a few articles from the past week we thought you might enjoy.



The Trick to Getting It Right

As women, we juggle. It’s something we just have to do. Rachel Rose Nelson, founder of Her Worth International, tells us about a tool/trick she’s incorporated into her life to keep everything moving.




Did you know our Monday blogs are now available in Spanish? If you or someone you know is interested in receiving these blogs each week, click here



Listen to “Work, Love, Pray” Podcast – “Ready, Set, Launch” feat. Rachel Nelson





Our work, love, pray favorites


work career workplace



Are You In the Right Job?

Roland Heersink and Dr. Szaszi Bene write on Relevant Magazine with six steps to determining if you’re in the job you’re supposed to be in.





love relationships marriage



Porn is Not Just a Man’s Problem

Debra Fileta with True Love Dates weighs in on a topic not often talked about but affecting women everywhere.




pray church God Bible hearing God



Study: US Churches Exclude Children with Autism, ADD/ADHD

David Briggs writes on Christianity Today and further examines a national study by National Survey of Children’s Health, that exposes the gap in churches care of special needs children.





listen podcast radio



Listen to the latest Mentoring Monday radio show!

Listen to the latest episode of the Mentoring Monday radio show, featuring Rachel Rose Nelson!







4word: Local Group Events


Take a look at these upcoming 4word: Local Group event dates and see which one(s) you can attend. We’d love to see you there!





For details on these events, please visit our 4word Events page.



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