your plan b is his plan a

Your ‘Plan B’ is His ‘Plan A’

your plan b is his plan a







Your weekly roundup :: February 11 – 15

As you head into your weekend, here are a few articles from the past week we thought you might enjoy.






Don’t miss your chance to hear from Joanna Gaines’ design lead and HGTV’s co-founder!


There’s still time for you to secure your tickets to spend the evening with us on March 2 at the Renaissance Hotel in Dallas, Texas! Come enjoy a night filled with powerful speakers Susan Packard, HGTV co-founder, and Laura Tucker, Joanna Gaines’ design lead, and take part in our exciting silent auction featuring items and experiences that cater to a variety of interests. We can’t wait to see you there!


Click here to purchase your tickets or to secure an entire table for you and your party!




Welcome 4word’s new COO, Pam Johnson!



“As a member of the Board of Directors, I have seen firsthand the impact that 4word has in the lives of the women that we connect with. I am honored and blessed to be able to partner with our incredible team to contribute to our mission and vision in an even greater capacity going forward.”








How The Co-Founder of HGTV Handles Workplace Emotions


Women in the workplace have been conditioned to not let their emotions show, for fear of losing credibility among their peers and leaders. This lack of emotional freedom and balance has left workplace environments grossly unbalanced. Susan Packard, co-founder and former COO of HGTV and author of Fully Human, dives into the highly-valuable skill of emotional intelligence (EQ) and how it can be adopted by companies today who want a successful team and organization. In her new book she offers a fortified version of EQ, which she calls EQFitness.




Did you know our Monday blogs are now available in Spanish? If you or someone you know is interested in receiving these blogs each week, click here








Listen to this month’s episode Don’t Hold It In — Emotions in the Workplace feat. Brenda Bertrand


Brenda Bertrand, communications specialist and life coach, joins the podcast to dive into emotions and their role in the workplace. Brenda shares from the heart about how to find that healthy emotional balance that will benefit you and your office. Hosted by Jordan Johnstone.






Our work, love, pray favorites


work career workplace



The real barrier for future female CEOs: Access to the boss

Julia Carpenter with CNN Business exposes a worrying trend revealed in the 2018 Women in the Workplace report from McKinsey and





love relationships marriage



Your Plan B Is Still God’s Plan A

Sandra Peoples with Christianity Today writes about her personal journey through a failed “Plan A.”




pray church God Bible hearing God



Biblical Womanhood Deconstructed

Anna Arnold with the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics urges women to view the “Proverbs 31 woman” as an inspiration, not a definition.





listen podcast radio



Listen to the latest Mentoring Monday radio show!

Listen to the latest episode of Mentoring Monday, featuring Jennifer Cook!







4word: Local Group Events


Take a look at these upcoming 4word: Local Group event dates and see which one(s) you can attend. We’d love to see you there!





For details on these events, please visit our 4word Events page.



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