Northwest Arkansas, AR
Join Your Local Christian Businesswomen’s Group
The Polished Northwest Arkansas Chapter is the leading Christian women’s group for women of faith in business in the area. We help Christian businesswomen of Northwest Arkansas connect with other women of faith in the area to achieve their God-given potential with confidence.
The Northwest Arkansas Chapter connects, leads and supports Christian women in the workplace to help them achieve their God-given potential with confidence. We see our faith as our foundation, our relationships as our priority and our work as the place God has uniquely gifted us to serve.
We know that Christian women in the workplace face unique challenges of balancing career, family and faith. Meet with Christian businesswomen who have already faced similar challenges and find a woman of faith fit to be your business mentor and help you through life’s obstacles.
We see our faith as our foundation, our relationships as our priority, and our work as the place God has uniquely gifted us to serve.
Sponsorships help each individual group reduce venue costs, lower ticket pricing, help with printing and event needs, and allow a group to scholarship women with financial needs so they can attend.
Upcoming Events
Starts at $5
Blake Woolsey from Heartland Forward will join us for lunch and networking at our Polished Northwest Arkansas February event.
Starts at $5
Join other women for lunch and networking as we hear from our speaker, Erin Kiefer.
Starts at $5
Join other women for lunch and networking as we hear from our speaker.
Starts at $5
Join other women for lunch and networking as we hear from our speaker.
Connect with Us
Our Leadership Team
Jessica Hillman
Diane Higgins