Jesus and You: Where Credit is Due
Over the past two and a half years, I have experienced the toughest challenge I have ever faced in my life. My daughter, Annie, had an entrapped sciatic nerve that caused pain every hour of every day. After three surgeries she is beginning to heal, but she continues to require constant care and whatever comfort we can provide. I would do anything to take away her pain. I unceasingly think about her and that pain and I my stomach gets into knots. And then I think about God giving His one and only beloved son, Jesus, to us. He knew Jesus would be killed, but he also knew that because of His death we would have the opportunity for eternal life. What an amazing, selfless gift! I know God understands completely what it’s like for me to watch Annie suffer. And I also know that His plan is perfect and that He is working this all together for good. He already has. In the midst of Annie’s tough challenge, I have seen our family come together in a way it never has done before. I see the gift of friends that “get it.” There are many that don’t, but there is a blessing in knowing who will walk with you and who will bear the weight of a trial with you.
I have seen God’s blessings – I believe miracles, actually – exhibited in so many ways through Annie’s journey. Adam came to our house with a friend to meet Annie in March of 2015. He has been a part of our lives ever since that day. He gives Annie an earthly reason for living as Adam is now her boyfriend. I’ve seen miracles through an amazing American Airlines pilot, Captain O’Grady, who flew the airplane that brought Annie home from surgery on November 16th. The captain cared for her like a loving member of a family. The way we found the surgeon who performed this last, and what we believe will be the final, surgery was a miracle. I’ve seen miracles through new friends, Charity, Karen, and Gary, who delivered a hyperbaric chamber after reading on Facebook of Annie’s need for this chamber to speed up her healing. To pray and see God perform miracles in answer to our prayers for healing for Annie has been an amazing blessing. Annie’s health condition was an unexpected blessing in another, profound way – it caused our family to focus on the “right things.” As we are full-on into the Christmas season, it’s far less about the “stuff” of Christmas and all about the love. It’s about appreciation for the things you just cannot purchase.
When I think about 4word, miracles abounded. Who knew that Ana in Guatemala City would start a 4word: Local Group, and we would be starting a 4word: New York City Local Group in 2017. That three churches, one being a megachurch, would list 4word as a resource for women in the workplace on its websites. That because of the time, talent, and treasure from people around the world, 4word’s budget would grow from $40,000 in 2011 to over $1 million in 2017. I know that happened because of God answers prayers. He has blessed us in so many ways and
truly changed the lives of countless women in the workplace! Click this link to read some of those incredible testimonials!
Blessings indeed have come in many shapes and sizes and often in ways that no have us could ever have planned or even welcomed initially. God’s ways are not ours, but all things work together for good.
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As we celebrate the greatest blessing that God has given us, His son, Jesus, I am so thankful for the gift of YOU. Thank you for being part of the 4word family . . . helping us connect, lead, and support women in the workplace to reach their God-given potential!
– Diane
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