Friday Favorites

The first week of 2012 is officially over, and (sadly) so is the holiday season. We at 4word hope the year has started well for you. If you, like some of the members of our team, have a New Year’s resolution that you are trying to keep, you’ll especially love this week’s Friday Favorites.

Around the Blogosphere
We thought we’d start off this week’s roundup on a lighter note. Below is Rhett and Link’s take on New Year’s resolutions.
And now, on a more serious note, our favorite blog posts this week:

Up Next
We’ll be talking about “work” again on the blog.
Monday: Stacy Repult finishes her guest-blogging series for us with a post about the four work languages.
Wednesday: We talk to Amanda Johnston, author of The Broken Road, about what she learned about herself and God while writing her first novel.