Friday Favorites

Welcome to March, ladies! We’re curious: were any of you born on February 29? If so, when do you celebrate your birthday on non-leap years? Leave us a comment with your response.

Funny video of the week
We know cats like to squeeze themselves into tiny spaces. Watch what happens when a cat doesn’t realize how much weight it has gained.
Now … worried about whether he got out? Watch part 2. “Fat Cat in pot. The Escape Sequence.”

Around the Blogosphere

Up Next
Our theme is “love”. Don’t miss these:
Monday: Diane’s blog “Love in a Time of Deadlines” is all about handling relationships when work is demanding.
Wednesday: By popular demand, interviewee Dinah Nicholson returns to reveal how she and her husband manage house and kids in their dual-career family. Who leaves work to pick up sick kids in your world?