Freedom: Have You Thanked Him For It?


I spent a recent Sunday evening cleaning out our pantry and kitchen. Afterward, I took a deep breath and enjoyed feeling free of mess and clutter in my home. Isn’t it amazing how clearing the clutter from our physical space can lead to mental, emotional and spiritual freedom, too?

As Americans, we are so fortunate to enjoy many freedoms, including the freedom to worship God openly and without fear.

But our freedom doesn’t stop there. As followers of Christ, we are free from sin and judgement. Unlike my kitchen cupboards, which I have to battle regularly to keep free and clear, Jesus gave us this freedom once and for all through His death on the cross. Our freedom in Christ can never be taken away, regardless of what we may face today or in days to come.

Luke 1 tells the story of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. After Zechariah demonstrated his obedience by naming his son John as instructed by the angel of the Lord, he praised God who “enables us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness” (Luke 1:74-75). We aren’t just citizens of a city, state, or country; we are citizens of heaven with access to the same freedom Zechariah experienced.

As we celebrate the freedoms we enjoy each day as citizens of this country, don’t forget to thank God for the freedoms He gives us as citizens of heaven.


Freedom from fear.

God didn’t give us a spirit of fear; He gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-control. How would your actions and attitude change at work or at home today if you lived as one free of fear?

Freedom to serve God.

Regardless of whether we are blessed to practice our faith openly, we always have the freedom to serve God right where we’re at. When you’re faced with the temptation to serve yourself, remember that we have the privilege to serve Him instead.

Freedom to be holy and righteous.

It may seem counterintuitive, but because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we are no longer slaves to sin but to “obedience which leads to righteousness” (Romans 6:16). We can’t be holy and righteous in our own power, but our freedom from sin enables us to obey God.  

Freedom from death.

In Christ we have the ultimate freedom: freedom to worship God in eternity. If that isn’t a cause for celebration, I don’t know what is!



As we continue to reflect on freedom this month, pause and thank God for the freedoms He has given you – freedoms that were bought with a price.




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