RESOURCES from 4word
Why Women Avoid Drawing Attention to Their Workplace Accomplishments
4word: Houston leader Marty Lundstrom talks about the moment she realized she (like many women in the workplace) shied away from putting a spotlight on her accomplishments, and shares two practices any workplace can implement to encourage self-confidence in their employees. Read More
Why It’s So Hard to ‘Let Go and Let God’
4word: Houston leader Tana Deshayes explains why she thinks Christians struggle to let go of their difficulties and hand control over to God. Read More
You Can Ask For Help At Work and Not Be Weak
Accountant and author Courtney Watson talks through how she learned to leave behind the idea that independence equals strength, and shares four questions everyone should ask themselves when something has us stumped. Read More
Insecurity: The Biggest Threat to Inner Strength
Catherine Gates, Executive Director for Women in the Marketplace, guides us through the idea that our lack of inner strength and resilience stems from allowing insecurity to win, and how we can rally against that insecurity to win back our drive. Read More
Pandemic Parenthood: How 4word Moms Have Grown In a Year
In honor of Mother's Day, three moms within the 4word community share the highs and lows of the past year and identify one way the pandemic has changed their parenting for the better. Read More