RESOURCES from 4word
Use Your Boundaries to Define Your Seasons
Christy Wright explains how boundaries can help to view seasons as temporary, not as new definitions of who you are. Read More
Here’s The Only Confidence Boost You’ll Ever Need
"Spiritual identity means we are not what we do or what people say about us. And we are not what we have. We are the beloved daughters and sons of God."Henri Nouwen Did you start this month struggling with who you are? Are you still in that position?… Read More
How to Root Your Identity in His Foundation
The feedback we have received about this month's topic of finding your identity and battling impostor syndrome has been so encouraging and sobering. Knowing who you are and being confident in that person is such a universal desire, and yet, we all feel like we are the only… Read More
The Bar That Keeps Rising
As I coach highly successful female executives and CEOs, I continue to be astounded at how often they interpret interactions with others to mean, “I am not good enough.” There is a term for this: imposter syndrome. "Despite outstanding academic and professional accomplishments, women who experience the impostor… Read More
You Matter — And So Does Your Work
Your community plays a role in how you perceive your personal identity. That may not be an earth-shattering notion, but it is one that we may not take seriously...until it’s too late. Dr. Mollie Bond lays out evidence of how those around you play an instrumental role in… Read More
Why Don’t We Like Ourselves?
Have you ever doubted yourself? If you answer "no," there's a 99.9% chance you're not human. Just saying. When you're a kid, you dream and pretend to be what you imagine to be the definition of the perfect life. Your young mind is unhindered in what you believe… Read More