RESOURCES from 4word

4word Blog

Want a Promotion? LinkedIn Says "Get a Mentor"

At 4word, we believe that one of the best investments you can make in yourself and your career comes through a mentoring relationship. As you are navigating and evaluating life and career goals, the advice and guidance of someone who has been on the same path as you… Read More

The Difference that Friendships Make

Emily (second from the left), with Diane (left) and the other SoCal 4word gals. We mention 4word local groups rather frequently here on the blog. They are a huge part of Diane’s vision for 4word, and today we’re bringing you a story to demonstrate why they are so… Read More

Top 10 Interviews of 2012

Welcome to 2013! The new year is officially here, but before we forge ahead with another series of interviews with inspiring women, we wanted to pause and call your attention to some that you might have missed in the past year. What follows is a list of our… Read More

What a Difference Community Makes

Today, we’re introducing you to Mandy Castro (Jason Castro's wife). Mandy has a degree from OU inCommunication Sciences and Disorders (Speech Pathology) and a daughter named Madeline (pictured above).Mandy shared part of her story with us and told us how instrumental her disciplers and faith community have been… Read More