RESOURCES from 4word
Olympic “Ripple Effect”
Steve Haas, Senior Engagement Leader at World Vision US, shares his thoughts on “ripple effects” and how one particular ripple led to him befriending two Olympians. ------ 4word: Tell our readers a little about yourself and what drew you to World Vision. Steve: Before joining World Vision as… Read More
Life's Only As Crazy As You Make It
If juggling a demanding career, nurturing a family, managing a home and keeping a vibrant faith aren’t enough to fill each day, add the challenge of being married to an Olympic champion. We watched David Wise take home the gold medal in Men’s Freestyle Skiing during the Sochi Winter… Read More
It's All Right – God Still Loves You
Have you ever said those six little words in the title to yourself or a friend? It’s amazing how the simple things can have a dramatic impact. Today, we are speaking to Olympic snowboarding champion Kelly Clark. Kelly shares with us how these six words changed her life… Read More
SEO Tips for Blogs, 5 Annoying Social Media Habits, Women on Wall Street Have Gone Backwards
Check out this week’s favorite articles, video and Pinterest find! Take Notice SEO FOR BLOGS: Are you a personal or professional blogger (maybe both)? Check out these five tips for making your blog as SEO-friendly as possible. SACRIFICE: John Brandon with Inc. urges you to check your business… Read More
Lopez in the finals, how to disagree respectfully and an amazing mini break dancer
Happy Friday, everyone. Here’s your weekly serving of 4word’s “best of the web.” Take Notice CELEBRATE: The Center for Faith and Work at Letourneau and is hosting a country-wide event to celebrate the integration of faith and work on Labor Day Sunday. Visit the Facebook event to… Read More
Using Your Gifts for His Glory
As Diane mentioned on Monday, her friend Lopez Lomong runs in the 5000m qualifier for the London Olympics today. We hope you’ll be cheering on Lopez during the broadcast tonight. In the meantime, we snagged an interview with a mutual friend, Steve Haas, who worked with Lopez to… Read More
Is a Job just a Job?, Olympics, Starry Night and Boardroom Body Language
Welcome to August! Here’s another round up of 4word’s favorites from around the blogosphere. Take Notice WOW: Olympic gold medalist Kristin Armstrong “retired” from professional cycling in 2009. But this year, even though she has a 22-month-old son, she got on the bicycle seat and won another gold… Read More
Tame Your 24/7 Job, “Share Some, Maybe” and Forming Solid Female Friendships
Happy Friday, ladies! Here’s your weekly serving of 4word’s favorite blogs, videos, pins and more from around the web. Take Notice JOIN: On Call in Culture is forming a Check In Team to help you remember that you are doing God’s work in the world, no matter where… Read More
Friday Faves: Go Forth and Fail, DIY Home Decor and the Barbeque Song
Welcome to the weekend, everyone. Here’s our weekly roundup of our favorite bits of the blogosphere. Take Notice Have you seen this video of the high school track star who helped her rival cross the finish line? Talk about women helping women. Now that’s the sort of thing… Read More