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4word Blog

Your Careers Are Married Too

When he works and she works, how does the marriage work? It’s relatively easy to be supportive (and supported) before your marriage, when your career is basically just between you and God. A lot of young people mistakenly go into marriage thinking that they can continue that approach.… Read More

Ahhh, You're Wearing THAT?

My friend and fellow executive looked slightly sheepish as he came into my office and closed the door. As soon as I saw him, I knew what was coming. “Diane,” he said with a pained expression. “I have to ask you to talk to one of my people.”… Read More

How to Build a Highly Happy Marriage

If having a highly happy marriage is the goal, then that means a “good” or “happy” marriage isn’t enough. So how do you get there? What’s the secret? Today, we’re speaking with author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn about her new book, “The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages.” The results of… Read More

Alone in a (Church) Crowd

Feeling isolated at church? I go to a great church, one where I feel spiritually fed and uplifted every Sunday. But even though my church does a lot of things right, there have been times when I feel like people there, including the church leadership, just don’t “get”… Read More

How to Shine At Your Next Work Meeting

What’s your meeting strategy? Don’t have one? You should! You REALLY should! In the working world, every meeting—big or small—offers a chance to put your best foot forward. Knowing how to handle yourself well in a meeting can distinguish you among your peers and it’s a great way… Read More